Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture, National Tsing Hua University

Thesis Guidelines

How to Proceed

The following outlines the procedures students should follow to fulfill these thesis-related requirements.
  1. Online Academic Research Ethics Education Course
    1. Students that are enrolled in the graduate and doctorate programs starting from (including) the 2015 Fall semester must complete National Tsing Hua University Academic Research Ethics Education Course before the end of the first year of his/her enrollment.
    2. Please refer to the following website to take this online course: This course is a 0 credit, mandatory course.
  2. A Thesis Advisor 
    1. Each new student is assigned a temporary advisor, typically a faculty member from the graduate program, with whom the student can discuss their academic direction in the initial stages. However, by the end of the third semester, students are required to choose a thesis advisor to engage in discussions and receive guidance for their research in their chosen field of expertise.
  3. Filing a Thesis Proposal
    1. Once graduate students have completed 18 credits, they are expected to contribute an extension to existing research projects in a specific field.
    2. After discussing this with their advisor, students should apply for a thesis proposal defense, during which they present the outline of their proposed research.
    3. This defense aims to reveal the research questions, objectives, and methods the thesis will explore, seeking approval from the committee.
  4. Public Presentation (Journal Paper or Oral Presentation)
    1. To enhance students' research, identify potential issues, and improve methodologies, students should participate in at least one academic conference and present a paper or publish a journal article before graduation.
  5. Taking the M.A. Degree Examination
    1. Three months after the approval of the thesis proposal and upon completion of the initial draft of the entire thesis, with the graduation credits totaling 26 for the current semester, students are eligible to apply for the M.A. Degree examination. The examination comprises an oral defense and a review of the written thesis.
    2. The M.A. Degree Examination committee consists of three to five members, with the advisor being an ex-officio member but not serving as the chairperson. The number of committee members, excluding the advisor, should be at least half, and there must be at least one external committee member.
  6. Graduating
    1. After completing the final revisions of the thesis, students should use the National Tsing Hua University Library's Master's and Doctoral Thesis System (Upload Papers System) to submit their thesis.
    2. Additionally, they are required to complete departure procedures through the Academic Information System before the start of the next semester (excluding the first day of classes).